Regular reviews and benchmarks are important for successful die casting process evaluations
Hill and Griffith offers this helpful Die Casting Process Evaluation Form to submit your input. Our sales representatives will respond with suggestions for further on-site process surveys, casting defect investigations, product testing, tooling start-up programs, statistical process controls and much more. Also, lab facilities are available to provide testing upon request.

(A video by Flow Science, "Published on Aug 19, 2015, An HPDC simulation where fast shot is automatically triggered when the fluid reaches the gates. The triggering process is automated through the new Active Simulation Control feature that will be released in FLOW-3D v11.1 and FLOW-3D Cast v4.1.")
Here are the text fields of the Hill and Griffith Company Die Casting Process Evaluation Form.
Part Name
Finished Required (Paint or Plating)
__________________________________ Casting Alloy
__________________________________ Alloy Temperature in Holding Furnace
Weight of Casting
__________________________________ Manufacturer of the Machine
__________________________________ Die Alloy
__________________________________ Cavity: Single or Multiple
__________________________________ Die Temperature After Spray (Low)
__________________________________ Die Temperature Before Spray (High)
__________________________________ Is Die Internally Cooled? If so, Water or Oil?
__________________________________ Tip Size
__________________________________ Cycle Time
__________________________________ Fill Time
__________________________________ Intensification Rise Time
__________________________________ Intensification Pressure
__________________________________ Length of Intensification Time
__________________________________ Die Lubricant Manufacturer
__________________________________ Percent Solids in Die Lubricant Concentrate
__________________________________ Die Lubricant Ratio
__________________________________ Spray Time
__________________________________ Spray Volume
__________________________________ Spray Pressure
__________________________________ Other Observations or Comments