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Conventional Die-Casting
High pressure die casting utilizes many different press sizes, alloys, temperatures, and casting weights. The Diluco family has offerings for all of these scenarios in the die casting process. Diluco lubricants are specifically formulated to withstand thermal degradation, which allows for higher dilution ratios and less build-up on the die surface.
Squeeze casting is a hybrid metal forming process that guarantees contact between metal and the die walls. The pressure applied during the casting process produces a low porosity, denser casting that requires special chemistry considerations to allow release during the ejection process. The Diluco 300 series utilizes raw materials that include minerals, natural and synthetic waxes, wetting agents and dispersing agents combined in an extendable water system.
Electrostatic or Micro-Spray
The Diluco family offers waterless lubricants for casting facilities that utilize electrostatic or micro-spray technology. Waterless lubricants are prevalent in complex castings or castings with high surface finish requirements. Offering both wet and dry chemistries gives the end-user a full range of options to maximize their lubrication needs.

The Diluco family offers lubricants specifically formulated to help with the ease of starting cold dies as they do not offer the same heat transfer characteristics and require chemistries with different release properties. Offering both non-graphitic and graphitic products, this ensures the needs of die casters are covered.
Start-up Lubricant
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